Help Fund Life-Changing Spinal Cord Operation for A Bright Yemeni Child

Help Fund Life-Changing Spinal Cord Operation for A Bright Yemeni Child

From War Victim to Future Pharmacist: Jaber's Journey Jaber Belal is a 20 yr old Yemeni child who lost his father in the war. Now, he is the sole provider for his siblings by collecting (and selling) plastic bottles every day. He has a severe spine condition that makes it almost impossible for him to work or study without experiencing severe pain. Amidst all of this intense pain, he still has a dream of one day becoming a pharmacist and so he is studying while working to put food on the table for his family and one day be free from this cycle of poverty. Allahmdulillah, with the help of our generous donors, Good Deed Charity has raised enough donations to fund his Spinal Cord Operation, which is a very expensive procedure. Now, all we need is your help to cover the costs of transporting Jaber from Yemen to India to perform the surgery. Will you help him achieve his dreams?

Meet Jaber Ali Bilal- a 20-year-old Yemeni child carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Jaber's life has been a constant struggle since the day he lost his father in the war. At just 20 years old, he is the sole provider for his family, working long hours in excruciating pain collecting plastic bottles and carrying heavy cement to make ends meet.
Despite his best efforts, his spinal cord malformation has made it impossible for him to work or study without experiencing severe pain.
His dreams of becoming a pharmacist and opening his own pharmacy have been put on hold, and he feels like he is trapped in a cycle of poverty and pain.

As you watch the video of Jaber bravely sharing his story, you can see the pain etched on his face. It's a pain that no one should have to endure, and it's a pain that we can help alleviate.
We at Good Deed Charity Organization want to thank the kind souls who answered our initial call for donation, and helped raise $10,000 to cover the cost of Jaber's life-changing spinal cord operation.
For the next big step, our goal is to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of Jaber’s travel, rehabilitation, and accommodation in India.
If we fail to cover these costs, Jaber will not be able to continue with the surgery, and the initial $10,000 will have been for nothing.
And this is where you come in. Your donation can make a world of difference for Jaber and his family. It can help him break free from the chains of pain and poverty that have held him back for far too long.
Your generosity can give him the chance to pursue his dreams and create a better life for himself and his loved ones.
Jaber's story is a reminder that we are all connected, and that our actions can have a profound impact on the lives of others.
Your donation, no matter how small, can help transform Jaber's life and bring hope to his family.
Imagine the joy and relief on Jaber's face when he wakes up from his operation pain-free, with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.
Imagine the possibilities that will open up for him as he finishes his studies and pursues his dreams.

Imagine the rewards that will be added to your scale for every person that he goes on to help in his career.
Your donation can help make this a reality.
We have come so close… Don’t let Jaber’s hope in a better future fade away!
And remember, for every vulnerable Muslim like Jaber you help in this World, you better your Afterlife too.
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
“Charity extinguishes sins as water extinguishes fire”
(Tirmidhi 614)

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Sumaya Arab

$26.25 USD, 4 months ago



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Sumaya Arab

$26.25, 4 months ago