Break The Chains: Empower Millions of Muslims To Overcome Porn And Sex Addiction

Break The Chains: Empower Millions of Muslims To Overcome Porn And Sex Addiction

Make A Generous Gift Today To Transform The Lives Of Vulnerable Muslims, Restore Their Dignity, and Rekindle Their Faith

We get it. We really do.

Talking about porn addiction is tough.

It makes people uncomfortable.

It’s a topic that brings up a lot of uneasy feelings.

It’s something many prefer not to think about or discuss.

The idea that Muslims are dealing with porn addiction is also hard to swallow.

It’s disappointing.

Our faith teaches us better.

But pretending it’s not happening isn’t the answer.

It’s actually part of the problem.

It’s what allows it to grow in the dark.

And those struggling feel even more alone.

“I think it can be much easier for a person addicted to drugs or an alcoholic to talk about his/her addiction than for a normal Muslim to talk about his porn/sex addiction.”

Yehya, A Muslim in recovery from porn addiction

For over fifteen years, we’ve been on the front lines facing these uncomfortable truths head-on.

The reward?

✅ Changed lives.

✅ Tawbah and restoration of eman.

✅ Generational trauma healed.

✅ Marriages in crisis mended.

✅ Broken bonds within families restored.

All-in-all, a ripple effect of healing and support that goes from the individual and extends all the way out to the rest of the community.

Nobody else is doing this work because it’s dark and often messy.

Our invitation?

An opportunity to share in the reward of fulfilling a fard kifayah, a communal obligation within our faith.

Why Are Muslims Struggling With Porn And Sex Addiction?

As you consider supporting this vital cause, it’s important to understand the complex reasons why many in our Muslim community are battling with porn and sex addiction.

1. Access and Anonymity: The digital age has made access to pornographic material easier and more anonymous than ever before. With just a few clicks, individuals can find themselves exposed to explicit content, often from a young age, without the necessary guidance or understanding to navigate these encounters healthily.

2. Identity and Self-Esteem Issues: Struggles with identity, self-esteem, and belonging can make individuals more susceptible to addiction. Porn and sex addiction can temporarily mask these deeper issues, creating a cycle of dependency.

3. Stress and Escapism: The pressures of modern life, including personal, educational, and professional stressors, can lead individuals to seek an escape. Porn and sex addiction often become maladaptive coping mechanisms for dealing with life’s challenges.

4. Unrealistic Expectations: Constant exposure to unrealistic portrayals of sex and relationships can warp individuals’ expectations, leading to dissatisfaction and disconnection in real-life relationships and increasing reliance on pornography as a substitute for genuine intimacy.

5. Lack of Open Dialogue: In our collective communities, discussions about sexuality and sexual health are taboo. This lack of open dialogue leaves individuals without the proper education or outlets to express and understand their sexual feelings in a healthy, Islamic context.

6. Cultural and Religious Stigma: The stigma surrounding porn and sex addiction, especially within our Muslim community, can be overwhelming. Fear of judgment and ostracization prevents many from seeking the help they need, driving the addiction further into secrecy.

7. Lack of Supportive Resources: There’s a significant gap in supportive resources that are culturally and religiously sensitive for Muslims struggling with these issues. This gap makes it difficult for individuals to find help that resonates with their faith and cultural background.

It’s certainly a crisis, it’s affecting young Muslims everywhere, no matter their background.

Why It Matters: The Impact of Addiction

Pornography has become easily accessible, with more than 68% of young men and 18% of young women viewing it at least once a week.

For many individuals, their repeated use will lead to dependence resulting in devastating consequences, including:

🔴 Depression

🔴 Social Anxiety

🔴 Low Motivation

🔴 Marital Breakdown

🔴 Suicidal Thoughts

🔴 Isolation

🔴 Negative Self-Perception

🔴 Erectile Dysfunction

And these effects are not absent from the Muslim community.

Because of the taboo nature of pornography, it generates a lot of shame and it is incredibly difficult for an addict or their family member to find or ask for help.

Without a safe network to reach out for support or counsel, oftentimes the only respite from pain for many addicts becomes none other than their drug.

Introducing Purify Your Gaze And What We Do:

Purify Your Gaze is a pioneering effort that bravely tackles the shadows of addiction. It is a necessary endeavor, one that provides a lifeline to countless individuals navigating the turbulent waters of porn and sex addiction.

Since 2009, we’ve helped more than 450,000 men and women struggling with addiction on their journeys to change in them providing guidance, support and judgment free support through our platform..

Our 8 step Islamically-congruent therapeutic model for change empowers individuals to tackle and heal the underlying reasons that were fueling their addictive behaviors.

More importantly, it helps individuals find new and healthy ways of relating to self, to life, to others, and to God.

Beyond this we have been on the frontlines of educating and training imams, therapists, teachers and community organizers on misconceptions, how to break the taboo, and what is needed to create change..

Religious scholars quoting texts that once naively suggested marriage as a cure to individuals struggling with sexual lust or lowering their gaze now wisely advise getting professional support.

This is due to our direct advocacy and impact alhamdulillah.

How Our Program Works

Change, especially when it comes to breaking free from addiction, is never a straight path.

It’s filled with hurdles like relapse and moments of lost confidence, which can make the journey feel daunting.

At Purify Your Gaze, we understand these challenges intimately. That’s why our program doesn’t just focus on helping members break free; we’re committed to ensuring they never fall back into old patterns.

The curriculum and journey to making whole hearted changes takes anywhere from 12-18 months.

Through compassionate care and a supportive community, we guide our members in replacing harmful habits with healthier skills and coping mechanisms.

We help our members address the psycho-emotional root causes of addiction and permanently break free from the destructive cycle.

Members can track their progress with the proprietary self-care tracker app and defeat their triggers one day at a time.

Best of all they never have to be alone.

They can have access to the private recovery community forums at anytime of day, or night when you need help and weekly live support group sessions led by a Purify Your Gaze staff member.

Our goal is to empower them with the strength and resilience needed for a lasting transformation.

Why We Launched This Campaign

Back in 2016, we made a promise as an organization that we still keep today — every individual who reaches out to us for help and cannot afford our services would be assisted — because we believe that mental health resources should be as accessible as the harms and dangers of pornography.

This promise depends on the support of community members like you.

And that’s why we’re hoping you will continue to help us give the hope of recovery to vulnerable Muslim youth

Despite our program’s affordability, most of the youth who reach out for help don’t have the means to pay for their treatment. Asking their parents for help isn’t an option due to embarrassment and shame. Their participation in the program lasts several months and sometimes years . . . which creates an undue financial burden for us as an organization to sustain.

And to be very direct — we can’t continue to do that without your support.

That’s why we’re asking you to help us continue our mission – by sending a gift from your heart — to help us continue the promise we made a few years ago to assist Muslims in this situation.

It is our obligation as a community to give a hand to those who need our support as the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said as narrated in Sahih Muslim:

“Whoever removes a grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allah will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection. Whoever brings ease to one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this life and the Hereafter. Whoever covers a Muslim, Allah will cover him in this life and the Hereafter. Allah is in aid of the servant so long as the servant is in aid of his brother.”

We all have struggles and wounds, and we all deserve to have a safe place for support and healing.

Why Should I Donate?

By choosing to support Muslim youth struggling with porn addiction, your generosity does more than just fund a program—it transforms lives.

Your generous gift will allow for members to take advantage of our program free of charge over the course of 12 months.

Here’s why your donation is so vital:

✅ Transform Lives Directly: Every dollar you donate provides critical resources, counseling, and support to help individuals escape the grip of addiction. You’re not just donating; you’re offering hope and a new beginning.

✅ Bridge the Gap: Your support addresses the urgent need for resources in our Ummah where stigma around addiction prevails. Help us offer compassionate and effective support where it’s needed most.

✅ Fuel Sustained Recovery: Addiction recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Your contribution ensures ongoing support, empowering individuals to build a foundation for long-lasting change over the course of the year in our program.

✅ Strengthen Muslim Families: Beyond individual recovery, your donation fosters healthier, more resilient families and strengthens our communities overall.

✅ Reflect Your Values: Show your commitment to compassion, mercy, and community support. Your donation is a powerful statement of your dedication to making a difference.

We all have struggles and wounds, and we all deserve to have a safe place for support and healing.

It is our obligation as a community to give a hand to those who need our support as the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said as narrated in Sahih Muslim:

“Whoever removes a grief from a believer from amongst the sorrows of this life, Allah will remove a grief from him amongst the sorrows of the Day of Resurrection. Whoever brings ease to one in difficulty, Allah will make it easy for him in this life and the Hereafter. Whoever covers a Muslim, Allah will cover him in this life and the Hereafter. Allah is in aid of the servant so long as the servant is in aid of his brother.”.

It’s true that pornography addiction is often associated with dark, painful and ugly stories – but through your generosity, you will enable a new chapter to be added:

A chapter where sincere brothers and sisters will God willing be able to turn their lives and relationships around from despair and destruction to deep levels of love, light, meaning, and intimacy.

Hear From The Purify Your Gaze Team

Praise For Purify Your Gaze


1. What is the main goal of this fundraising campaign?

Despite our program’s affordability, most of the youth who reach out for help don’t have the means to pay for their treatment. Asking their parents for help isn’t an option due to embarrassment and shame. Their participation in the program lasts several months and sometimes years . . . which creates an undue financial burden for us as an organization to sustain.

And to be very direct — we can’t continue to do that without your support.

That’s why we’re asking you to help us continue our mission – by sending a gift from your heart — to help us continue the promise we made a few years ago to assist Muslims in this situation.

Our goal is to make healing accessible to all and provide a safe place for healing.

2. How will my donation be used?

Donations will directly fund the participation of a user in our program for an entire year where they will have access to our psycho-educational content, private and anonymous community forum access, weekly webinars with our staff, and more.

Participants who are unable to afford the program fees can apply for a scholarship on our website.

3. How do you ensure the privacy and safety of those seeking help?

We prioritize confidentiality and safety for all our program participants. Our online platform allows for individuals to participate using an anonymous nickname so they never have to reveal any identifying information while interacting with others.

Moreover, our staff is trained in privacy protocols to protect the identities and information of our participants.

4. What makes your program unique?

We have helped hundreds of thousands of Muslim men and women across the globe through our program since our founding 15 years ago.

Our 8-step recovery model addresses the psycho-emotional root causes of addiction and gives guidance and support on how to permanently break free from the destructive cycle all while rooted in our Islamic traditions.

Moreover we have peer-to-peer support groups, personal counseling sessions and a behavioral tracking app that helps keep our participants accountable and on track.

5. Isn’t it contradictory to put Muslim and pornography addiction in the same sentence?

We get it – it can seem like faithful Muslims shouldn’t be struggling with something like this.

But the vast majority of people who turn to us fell into pornography when they were too young to know what they were getting into.

And by the time they realize that their behavior is destroying they and their family’s lives, it’s far too late to “just quit”.

Their behaviors have become like a drug, addiction has taken over their minds and hearts.

It’s typical for someone to be praying regularly to Allah at night to help them stop and to fast continuously to curb their desires. One member told us he’d fast for 40 or 50 days straight outside of Ramadan hoping this would help him stop.

But what he needed was professional help – and he wasn’t getting it.

Help for pornography addiction can be hard to find.

6. What if I or a loved one need help with porn or sex addiction?

If you or someone you care about is navigating the challenges of porn or sex addiction, we would be honored and privileged to offer our support.

Our program is designed with the needs of our Muslim community in mind, providing confidential, compassionate assistance.

You can visit us at for more information.

7. How can I get involved beyond donating?

There are many ways to support our cause, including volunteering, advocating for addiction awareness in your community, making dua for the success of our organization, and sharing this campaign with your network.

8. How will I know the impact of my donation?

We’re committed to transparency. Donors will receive updates on the campaign’s progress, stories of impacted individuals, and reports on how funds are being utilized.

Report fundraiser


Mariya Mehreen

6 months ago




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