Save the lives of starving Yemeni children
Addressing the worst humanitarian crisis in human history, Yemen sees a child dying from a preventable cause every 10 minutes. Join us in providing essential nourishment to the children of Yemen.
Being a child, residing in the midst of the most severe humanitarian crisis in human history.
Every 10 minutes, you witness another child in your vicinity succumb to preventable causes, such as hunger.
Yemen grapples with this dire situation, marked by internal conflict and relentless military actions, making it the epicenter of the worst humanitarian crisis in human history.
The young children of Yemen bear the heaviest burden, their lives stripped of everything they once knew.
Can you fathom the emotions?
Being a child, wandering through the desolate streets of Yemen, searching for a vanished family, vanished friends, and vanished optimism?
Can you fathom the emotions of a child witnessing their loved ones, be it parents, neighbors, friends, or even strangers, succumbing to the relentless onslaught of famine and disease?
Regrettably, this is the harsh reality that Yemen faces today.
Yemen, once ranked as one of the most impoverished nations globally even before the outbreak of conflict, has swiftly plummeted into the depths of the most severe humanitarian crisis the world has ever witnessed.
Inaction is not an option.
While you conclude your day, sharing a nourishing, home-cooked meal with your loved ones, countless innocent children in Yemen are going to bed hungry and isolated.
Numerous parents are unable to provide sustenance for their children, for they themselves endure hunger.
Many more children face the harsh reality of orphanhood, left to fend for themselves.
Simply living your life without taking action is not a viable option.
For you understand that on the Day of Judgement...
- You will be held accountable.
- You will be queried.
- You will face questioning.
And regardless of the virtuous life you may have led,
You will be asked about your deeds for these people.
“. . . whoever saves the life of a person is as if he has saved the life of the whole of humankind”
— [5:32]
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11 months ago
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General Sadaqa
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50 Chicken hot Meals May You Be Rewarded You For Your Generosity
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100 Chicken hot Meals May You Be Rewarded You For Your Generosity
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250 Chicken hot Meals May You Be Rewarded You For Your Generosity
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500 Chicken hot Meals May You Be Rewarded You For Your Generosity
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